Recommended Reading: Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand”

Chase Dyess, MBA
3 min readJul 10, 2023


Storytelling has become a powerful tool to connect with audiences on a deeper, more emotional level. Crafting compelling narratives fosters stronger customer connections, promotes loyalty, and sets your brand apart in a bustling marketplace. Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand” masterfully illustrates how a compelling narrative can transform a brand’s identity and presence in the market. This book contains thrilling strategies that you do not want to miss. It’s been a game-changer for me, and I believe it will be for you too.

“Seriously, You Need to Read This!” — Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand” — Graphic by Chase Dyess
Artwork by Author

The Power of a Story

Brand storytelling shapes a company’s identity through narrative, developing an engaging, cohesive, and emotionally impactful storyline. The heart of effective storytelling is crafting a tale that underscores the value and necessity of your offerings to the audience. Whether emphasizing the unique features of your eco-friendly products or presenting how your brand contributes to a healthier world, the power of a story lies in its ability to evoke strong emotions.

The StoryBrand Framework

Miller’s book presents a seven-part StoryBrand Framework that can guide brands to create compelling stories. Unlike typical brand strategies, this framework is built upon the dynamics of classical storytelling. It is structured to align your brand’s story with your customer’s journey, driving engagement and fostering loyalty.

The brilliance of Miller’s framework is its ability to switch the spotlight from the brand to the customer. It encourages brands to perceive their customers as the ‘heroes’ of the narrative and position themselves as guides. This shift allows businesses to focus on the customers’ challenges and desires, offering solutions that truly resonate with their needs.

Furthermore, the StoryBrand Framework emphasizes the importance of clear communication. From illustrating the potential outcomes of the customer’s action (or inaction) to highlighting the brand’s unique value proposition, it guides the narrative toward compelling calls to action. These elements combine to make a brand story that is engaging and emotionally impactful and drives the customer to take positive action.

Customer Needs

Every compelling story starts with a character who wants something. In brand development, that character is the customer, and identifying their desire is the first step to creating a powerful brand narrative. Miller offers a straightforward method for determining the needs of your audience and illustrates how you can align your brand to meet those needs.

Your Brand is Not the Hero of This Story

Implementing the StoryBrand Framework requires a shift from a brand-centric narrative to a customer-centric one. Your brand guides the customer’s journey, providing the tools, advice, or services they need to overcome their challenges. By positioning the customer as the hero and your brand as the guide, you can create compelling narratives that resonate with audiences, foster deeper connections, and drive brand engagement.

Shifting Your Brand Perspective

Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand” isn’t just a marketing strategy; it’s a way to redefine your brand’s approach to connecting with customers. If you want to bring your brand’s story to life and connect deeply with your audience, I can’t recommend this book enough.



Chase Dyess, MBA
Chase Dyess, MBA

Written by Chase Dyess, MBA

Graphic Designer. Illustrator. Marketing Coordinator at LSUA.

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